Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapter One-pages 4

     After the two periods were over I met up with Alex in study hall to tell her the great news. She beamed brightly as a lighthouse flashing its light to bring hope to sailors out on the sea.
    "That's great Cole I knew you could do it too and mom and dad will be coming home late tonight so you won't be able to tell them yet." My expression had now turned from very excited to just plain sad when Alex reminded me about mom and Dad's late night meeting. "Don't worry Cole I know they will be delighted to know what their son has just achieved.
   "I know that Alex it's just that mom and dad aren't around as much as they used to be." I slouched in my chair as to show that I  was not at all happy and then I opened up my notebook smiling because I have finally figured out that the last few notes to end my score. The bell had rung so we know that yet again we move to a different class which this period was my second favorite, lunch! I got into the line to get my lunch and this girl who I have a rush on is right behind me so as we walk we talk about music class.
   "Hey Cole, I enjoyed hearing your piece from your score it's really, really beautiful." "I was wondering if you would like to go to the Escape on Saturday?"
  "What's the escape and why would you want me to go with you if you already have Xander as a friend, I mean as a boyfriend?"
  "The Escape is this musical hangout for anyone who has a passion for music and the reason why is because I broke up with Xander a few days ago (.....to be continued)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chapter One-Page 3

Page 3    
       As I entered the room Mrs.Rhinehart looked up from her desk and got up to talk to me, possibly about the upcomig play and talent show. "Hi Mrs.Rhinehart, what do you want to talk to me about?". She looked at me up and down, looking at the notebook in my right hand with such passion I thought she was going to grab it out of my hands like Golem from "Lord of the Rings".
      "Morning Cole, yes, is the piece of your score ready to be presented to the class?". Remember class the winning pieces will compete at the talent show to win the chance to make it into a play."
      "Yes ma'am I am ready." I walked to the piano, sat down and looked out into the crowd of the students, smiling a determined to win smile. I put my fingers on the piano keyboard and I cleared my mind of negative thoughts bringing only in the happiest of memories. The memory that I chose was Alexs' beautiful smile when she is proud that she accomplished something she couldn't do. When I played the notes from the music sheet it sounded like Christmas was once again here with angels descending on the earth singing with harmonious voices all around quieting the harsh voices of man. After I had finished the song my peers cheered and Mrs. Rhinehart was put to tears as though she could really understand the meaning behind the notes. She stood up and announced the winning pieces which I was one of the five winners to play in the talent show